Past Projects

2012: Navrang in partnership with Leicester City Council Arts and Museum Service delivered a Heritage Lottery Fund Project called Celebrating 40 years of Ugandan Asians in Leicester.
As part of the project, oral histories and objects signifying lives of Ugandan Asians were collected and a major exhibition was installed at the New walk Museum and Art Gallery, called ‘From Kampala to Leicester’. In two and a half months, around 50,000 visitors visited the exhibition and it attracted national and international interest through media coverage in Kenya, Uganda, India. A travelling exhibition was also created. This toured schools, community centres, libraries in the city. A series of events accompanied the exhibition and included workshops, talks and film shows. - 2009: Thread of Light (In partnership with Peepul Centre, Leicester, a creation of a kaleidoscopic video artwork celebrating the vibrancy of the Belgrave area of Leicester).
- 2006: Influences 06 (artist professional development programme focusing on Indian embroidery. Lead artist: Munni Shrivastava).
- 2005: Influential (Exhibition of textile artwork created by artist Surjeet Husain. The exhibition looked at the work of Surjeet Husain along side, pieces from the New Walk Museum’s own collection with a view to highlighting the inspirational strands from traditional artworks studied to create contemporary textile art.)
- 2003: Influences (artist professional development programme focusing on Indian miniature painting. Lead artists: Singh Twins)
- 2002: ‘Indria’ (Senses) Project hosted by Navrang and Leicester New Walk Museum - a multi-sensory arts installation comprising of a Rangoli artwork constructed of glass surrounded by two video projections and a sounds cape.
- 2001: Staging the “Meeting God in Leicester” exhibition, at New walk Museum to accompany the Museum’s ‘Meeting God’ exhibition. The exhibition recorded the sounds and video footage from the temples in the City of Leicester. Creation and installation of artwork that looked at the rituals of the temples to create the first ever contemporary rangoli installation in the UK within the ‘Meeting God’ exhibition). The exhibition attracted a record number of visitors to the Museum.
Navrang Skill Share Projects
The idea of the project (based on feed back from artists and audiences in previous events) is to enable a group of visual artists (up to 10) living and working in Britain to share their skills and experiences with a Tutor Artist from the Indian sub-continent. It is an exchange of ideas, history, techniques, regional variances, etc. It is a mentoring collaboration resulting in innovative work that reproduces themes and techniques of classical Indian visual arts within a contemporary setting. The collaboration has resulted in the creation of visual arts works that have been exhibited.
In the new millennium, Navrang undertook the following Skills Share projects – a series of workshops delivering arts and crafts skills from the Indian sub continent to British based artists to use in making new work in a contemporary setting.
- 2001: ”Thoughts on Entry” (a rangoli/video installation looking at the thoughts fears, hopes and anxieties of people entering the UK) staged at the community venue of Abbey Primary Community School.
- 2000: Setting the record for the Largest Rangoli artwork in the world, In partnership with Leicester Belgrave Mela
- 1997: Delivery of the first ever Bollywood Drive-in Cinema in the UK